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Okinawa Studies Research Guide: US-Japan Military Base Issues

This guide to introduce you to resources on contemporary Okinawan issues.

Research Guide on US-Japan Military Base Issues

About US-Japan Military Base Issues

Please visit the separate research guide 'U.S.-Japan Military Base Issues' for the following resources: 

  • Maps of U.S. military bases in Okinawa
  • Base-level Information (Ginowan city for MCAS Futenma, Nago city for Henoko, a relocation site for MCAS Futenma, and Kadena town & Okinawa city for Kadena Air Base)
  • Government Resources (Okinawa Prefectural Government, Government of Japan) New! U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa: United States Government Documents released through FOIA requests was added to GW ScholarSpace (Donated by Mr. Jon Mitchell)
  • The "Okinawa Question" Project
  • English-language bibliography on US-Japan Military Base Issues
  • Databases & Newspapers

This guide will locate electronic and print resources related to the latest US military base issues in Okinawa.

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