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Okinawa Studies Research Guide: Textiles

This guide to introduce you to resources on contemporary Okinawan issues.

Okinawa Textiles

Currently in Okinawa, there are 14 Traditional Crafts designated by the Ministry for Economy, Trade and Industry (経済産業大臣指定伝統的工芸品), 12 of which are Okinawan textiles.

The 12 Okinawan textiles as well as the links to their cooperative associations are as follows:

  1. Kumeshima tsumugi / 久米島紬 (Kumeshima Tsumugi Cooperative Association / 久米島紬事業協同組合: Japanese )

  2. Shuri-ori  / 首里織 (Naha Traditional Textiles Cooperative Association / 那覇伝統織物事業協同組合: Japanese )

  3. Chibana hanaori / 知花花織 (

  4. Kijoka no Bashofu / 喜如嘉の芭蕉布 ( ,

  5. Ryukyu-kasuri (Ryukyu Ikat) / 琉球絣 (Cooperative Association: Japanese / English)

  6. Miyako Jofu / 宮古上布 (Miyako Cooperative Association: Japanese)

  7. Ryukyu Bingata / 琉球紅型 (Ryukyu Bingata Business Cooperative: Japanese)

  8. Yaeyama Jofu / 八重山上布 (石垣市織物事業協同組合 竹富町織物事業協同組合)

  9. Yaeyama Minsa / 八重山ミンサー (石垣市織物事業協同組合 竹富町織物事業協同組合)

  10. Yonaguni-ori / 与那国織 (Yonaguni Cooperative Association: Site is currently unavailable)

  11. Yuntanza hanaui / 読谷山花織(ゆんたんざ はなうい) (読谷山花織事業共同組合: Japanese / English)

  12. Yomitan Minsa / 読谷山ミンサー (読谷山花織事業共同組合: Japanese / English)

Brochure '沖縄の工芸' published by Okinawan Prefectural Government

If you see Okinawan fabric that has fresh green and sunny yellow color, that would be Uji zome/ウージ染め in Tomigusuku City.  Uji Zome uses sugar cane as dyeing color. Uji means sugar cane in Okinawan dialect.


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Kariyushi Shirt / かりゆしウェア

Similar to aloha shirts in Hawai'i, kariyushi shirts can be worn in summer as casual, informal or dress wear. In Okinawa, business people wear kariyushi shirts as 'business clothes.'

Information on kariyushi shirts: (available only in Japanese)

New Acquisitions on Okinawan Textiles

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