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Okinawa Studies Research Guide: Films

This guide to introduce you to resources on contemporary Okinawan issues.

Related Organizations & Institutions

Photo of the Okinawa Film Festival 島ぜんぶでおーきな祭(さい)©OCVB

Okinawa Film Office           (English / Japanese)
  • Provides support and information to filmmakers who are looking to use Okinawa as a film location. 
  • Provides support both domestic and foreign filmmakers (e.g. South Korea, China and other Asian countries. 
  • Promote the image of Okinawa
  • Promote tourism and vitalization of the prefecture.
  • E-brochures are available.
Okinawa Prefectural Archives / 沖縄県立公文書館 (Japanese)

Provides more than 200 digitized footages taken during and after the war

Cinema Okinawa / シネマ沖縄    (Japanese)
Okinawa Cinema Society / 沖縄映画研究会 (English "About Us" / Japanese)
  • Society members consist of film researchers and wide film circles to research and promote Okinawan films.
  • Hold regular film screenings and symposiums on Okinawan films.
NPO法人シネマラボ突貫小僧    (Japanese)
Okinawa Archives Laboratory / 沖縄アーカイブ研究所    (Japanese)
  • Provides digitized collection of movies shot on 8mm films between 1950s through early 1970s.
  • The 8 films were shot by ordinary people and showcase the daily life of Okinawa in the post-war era.

Film Festivals in Okinawa

島ぜんぶでおーきな祭(さい)(旧 沖縄国際映画祭 / Okinawa International Movie Festival) (Japanese)

A well-known Japanese comedy entertainment company Yoshimoto Kogyo, started in 2009 as 沖縄国際映画祭. This film festival focuses on comedy films in Japan as well as around the world. In 2015, the festival name was changed to 島ぜんぶでおーきな祭.

こども国際映画祭in沖縄  KIFFO (Japanese

Started in 2013 in Naha City, the Kodomo International Film Festival in Okinawa (KIFFO) shows three films (one from Japan) during the three-day festival. The festival director is Ms.. Takao Mihayara who is a film director, producer, and writer. She has won the Best fFlm Award and the Best Director Award at The Asian Festival of First Films.

To search more film festivals in Japan, visit 国内映画祭リスト2019 (List of film festivals in Japan) on  日本映画専門チャンネル.

Film Directors

How to find Japanese film directors: (Available only in Japanese)

  1. 協同組合 日本映画監督協会 / Directors Guild of Japan (English / Japan)会員名簿 (Members Directory)
  2. 沖縄県立博物館・美術館 / Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum Artists Directory (Choose 映像 for search.)

There are a number of directors who have made films on Okinawa and/or have shoot in Okinawa. Some are from Okinawa and some are not. Here are the short list of those directors: (in an alphabetical order)

Lists of Okinawan films and TV dramas

Okinawa Film Office    (English / Japanese)​
  • List of the feature films, short films and documentary supported by the Okinawa Film Office.
Okinawa Cinema Society / 沖縄映画研究会 (English "About Us" / Japanese)
  • List of all the films since 2018 that set in Okinawa and filmed in Okinawa (Include TV dramas).

Open-Access Documentary

Science Film Museum Incorporated NPO / NPO法人科学映像館    (English / Japanese)

Various old films on The Battle of Okinawa, Nature in Okinawa, Traditional culture in Okinawa are abailable.

Search engine box

 Search words: 沖縄, 琉球, シネマ沖縄


Movie Theaters in Okinawa

1) Sakurazaka Gekijyo / 桜坂劇場 (Naha city, Okinawa)

2) STAR THEATERS (6 theaters in Okinawa)

3) UNITED CINEMAS PARCO CITY / ユナイティッド・シネマ パルコシティー浦添 (IUrasoe, Okinawa)

4) Yoshimoto Minami no shima Panipani Cinema / よしもと南の島 パニパニシネマ (Located in Miyakojima, Okinawa)

5) Yui Road Theater / ゆいロードシアター (Ishigaki city, Okinawa)

Currently fund-rasing to keep the theater open *

Open-Access Resources

Okinawa Film Office, Okinawa Convention & Visitors Bureau (OCVB)

Okinawa Film Office presents twelve short films which were filmed at locations in Okinawa. All the films have English subtitles.

The Okinawa Film Competition
  1. Treasure Hunt / わたしの宝もの (2018 Film Tourism Promotion Project Short Film Production/平成28年度フィルムツーリズム推進事業 短編映画制作)
  2. Kerama Blue / こころ、おどる (平成26年度フィルムツーリズム推進事業 短編映画制作)*Trailer
  3. Rumah / ルマ (平成26年度フィルムツーリズム推進事業 短編映画制作)
  4. The Path of KUMIODORI / うんじゅぬ花道 (5th Okinawa Film Competition)
  5. Indigo Love / 愛と藍 (4th Okinawa Film Competition)
  6. Deer In Me / 僕と明日香の島歩き (3rd Okinawa Film Competition)
  7. Mother of the Groom / ニービチの条件  (2nd Okinawa Film Competition)
  8. Rose Balsom / ウムイヌ花 (2nd Okinawa Film Competition)
  9. Goat Walking / やぎの散歩 (1st Okinawa Film Competition)
  10. The Chosen One (21 minuites)
  11. Harusa - People who love farming / ハルサー愛 (1st Okinawa Film Competition)
  12. Ti-da mail / ディーダめーる (1st Okinawa Film Competition)
Ryugo Nakamura Official YouTube Channel 'RYU-GOAT'

2018年 沖縄県北中城村地域発信型映画

第9回沖縄国際映画祭U-25映像コンペティション(オーバーエイジ枠) 優秀賞

Recent Acquisition on Films

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