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US-Japan Military Base Issues: Home

This guide will provide help on locating both electronic and print resources related on the latest US military base issues in Okinawa.

Quick Start

Are you Looking for:
- Location of U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa? Map of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma area? ⇒ "Maps of US Military Bases in Okinawa" tab.
- US-Japan Status Forces Agreement? ⇒ " Government Resources" tab.
- Statistics on military expenditures? ⇒ "Databases & Newspapers" tab.

About GW Okinawa Collection

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GW Okinawa Collection builds on the existing collection in the the Japan Resource Center and features scholarly materials that explore Okinawa from the past to the present from multiple perspectives. Established in June 2015, the Okinawa Collection is a collaboration between the Okinawa Prefectural Government and GW Gelman Library. Generously funded by the Okinawa Government, the Okinawa Collection features scholarly materials on Okinawa from the past to the present from multiple perspectives. 

Okinawan monuments, dancing and dragon costumePlease visit our new GW Okinawa Collection homepage to find out GW's Okinawa-focused academic courses, Events & News, Contact Us form and more!

What's in the Collection? - Selected English-language Titles

See more English-language titles on our Research Guide on U.S. Military Base Issues.

Related Research Guides (LibGuides)

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  • Textiles
  • US military base issues

Japan Studies

Okinawa Collection Recent Acquisition 

Guide to Locating Japanese & Okinawa-related Resources

What's in the Collection? - Selected Japanese-language Titles

Updated Pamphlet on US Military Base Issues in Okinawa (English version)

Latest Pamphlet on US Military Base Issues in Okinawa

Section 1 U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa

Section 2 Q&A about the Issue of the Relocation of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma

Section 1: U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa

History of U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa & U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa Today

  • Incidents and Accidents, and Noise Pollution & Environmental Issues Stemming from the U.S. Miltiary Bases
  • The Relationship between U.S. Military Bases and the Economy in Okinawa prefecture
  • Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Futenma

US military bases in Okinawa

Maps of U.S. Military bases in Okinawa

Latest maps of U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa including U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force and designated as training waters and air space (as of March 2018)

For the ocations of other U.S. military bases in Japan, check the Page 1 of this phamplet.

History of accidents and incidents caused by the U.S. military

Brief history of many accidents and incidents caused by the U.S. military in Okinawa

For more detail on accidents and incidents cased by the U.S. military, please go to Okinawa Prefectural Government's yearly statistics '沖縄の米軍及び自衛隊基地 統計資料.'

Need help for more stats? Contact us.

Noise Pollution & Environmental Issues

Noise Pollution & Environmental Issues Stemming from the U.S. Military Bases

Okinawan people have been daily affected byt he noise produced by Kadena Air Base (Kadena Town) and Marine Corps Air Station Futenma (Ginowan City), and water contamination caused by leaks of aircraft fuel from inside the U.S. military bases.

Base-related income percentage of gross prefectural income

The Relationship between U.S. Military Bases and the Economy in Okinawa Prefecture

Is the Okinawan economy dependent on the U.S. Military bases? How was the returned area where some U.S. military bases once located developed? How is the land where Marine Corps Air Station Futenma is currently located going to be developed?

Need help for more stats? Contact us!

Marine Corps Air Station Futenma

Section 2 Q&A about the Issue of the Relocation of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma

Some questions include, but not limited to, the following:

  • What does the Okinawa Prefectural Government Think of the Relocation of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma and the Japan-U.S. Security Arrangement?
  • What is Henoko's Oura Bay, the Relocation Site for MCAS Futenma, Like?

Handout: Japan Studies/US Military Base Issues Guide (PDF)

Okinawa Collection/Japna Resource Center brochure

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