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Okinawa Collection Recent Acquisitions: History & Civics Textbooks used in Japan

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Collection of Japanese History Textbooks

GW Okinawa collection has been collecting Japanese history and civics textbooks in accordance with GW students' needs to explore how Okinawa is depicted in such events as the Battle of Okinawa, US-Japan Security Treaty, US-Japan Secret Nuclear Deal in Japanese school textbooks.
Please contact for browsing and further information.

History Textbooks in Junior High School (Publishers in Alphabetical Order)

Civil Textbooks in High School (Publishers in Alphabetical Order)

Meiji Period Textbooks in Okinawa

History Textbooks in High School (Publishers in Alphabetical Order)

Civics Textbooks in Junior High School (Publishers in Alphabetical Order)

Supplementary Textbooks

ワイドビュー歴史 by 全教材

Publication Date: 

Gift from Ms. Michino Oshiro

GW Libraries • 2130 H Street NW • Washington DC