Search these historical newspaper database by using key words such as: Ukraine AND Crisis; Ukraine AND war; Crimea AND annexation, etc.
In order to find scholarly materials on this subject go to SUBJECT DATABASES on the GWU library website. Then go to A to Z list and choose the productive databases listed below. For your searches use key words such as: EU OR European Union AND Crisis in Ukraine; Western media AND Crisis in Ukraine; Western reaction AND Crisis in Ukraine; Germany AND media AND Crisis in Ukraine; France AND media AND Crisis in Ukraine etc.
For assistance with database searching please, contact Global Resources Center librarian Mark Yoffe.
Ukraine - Office of the President news page
Ukraine - Parliament main page
Russia - Office of the President main page with information on President Putin's most recent activities and statements
Russian Embassy in Washington, DC - main page with updates on regarding latest events in Ukraine as well as links to background on Russia-US relations
Embassy of Ukraine in the USA - main page with updates regarding situation in Ukraine as well as Ukrainian-US relations from the point of view of the Ukrainian government