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Crisis in Ukraine: Foreign Media Coverage and Additional Resources

This guide was created to cover the events from 2014 t0 2020 and due to the current rapidly changing situation the guide is going to be updated to bring you the information on events that began on February 24th, 2022. However some othe information is cure

Foreign Media Coverage by Country

United States

Search these historical newspaper database by using key words such as: Ukraine AND Crisis; Ukraine AND war; Crimea AND annexation, etc.

United Kingdom





Southern Europe



European Perspectives

Foreign Media Database Searches

In order to find scholarly materials on this subject go to SUBJECT DATABASES on the GWU library website. Then go to A to Z list and choose the productive databases listed below. For your searches use key words such as: EU OR European Union AND Crisis in Ukraine; Western media AND Crisis in Ukraine; Western reaction AND Crisis in Ukraine; Germany AND media AND Crisis in Ukraine; France AND media AND Crisis in Ukraine etc.

For assistance with database searching please, contact Global Resources Center librarian Mark Yoffe.

Information from the Parties to the Conflict

Parties to the Conflict: 

Ukraine - Office of the President news page

Ukraine - Parliament main page

Russia - Office of the President main page with information on President Putin's most recent activities and statements

Russian Embassy in Washington, DC - main page with updates on regarding latest events in Ukraine as well as links to background on Russia-US relations

Embassy of Ukraine in the USA - main page with updates regarding situation in Ukraine as well as Ukrainian-US relations from the point of view of the Ukrainian government

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