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Crisis in Ukraine: Ukraine: Media and Propaganda War

This guide was created to cover the events from 2014 t0 2020 and due to the current rapidly changing situation the guide is going to be updated to bring you the information on events that began on February 24th, 2022. However some othe information is cure

Russian News and TV Sites

List of Main Russian Media Sites Known for Their Anti-Ukrainian Bias and For Propagating the Kremlin's Line:

Russian News Outlets

RIA News:

Komsomol’skaia Pravda:

Moskovskii Komsomolets:

Life News:

Russkaia Vesna (Fresh news from separatist regions of Ukraine, in English)

Russkaia Vesna in Russian:


Russian TV Channels



Channel One Russia:

TV Channel Russia 2:

Telekanal Zvezda:


Pro-Russian social media

For Mother Russia - a pro-Russian, anti-Western Facebook page with some coverage of events in Ukraine

Searching for scholarly resources on media and propaganda war

In order to find scholarly materials on this subject go to SUBJECT DATABASES on the GWU library website. Then go to A to Z list and choose the productive databases listed below. For your searches use key words such as: Hybrid warfare AND Ukraine; Hybrid warfare AND Russia; Media war AND Ukraine; Propaganda war AND Ukraine; Disinformation AND Ukraine.

For assistance with database searching please, contact Global Resources Center librarian Mark Yoffe.

Ukrainian contra-propaganda and Russian independent news sites

Ukrainian site debunking Russian media fakes: 

Euromaidan Press (progressive Ukrainian site): EuroMaiden Press 

Independent Russian media outlets

Telekanal Dozhd’

Radio Ekho Moskvy

"Maskirovka" -- Russian Deception Tactics

'Maskirovka' is the Russian military strategy of deception, involving techniques to surprise and deceive the enemy. Here are some links that explore the various tactics used, with a particular focus on the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

Changing Public Opinion in Russia

How to identify media fakes

This guide from shows how to identify fake media reports.

Books from Gelman library on propaganda

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