The Analects.
Sacred text for Confucianism.
The Bible.
Location: REF BS191.5 A1S26 2006
Includes both Old and New Testaments, basic texts for Judaism and Christianity.
Book of Mormon.
Sacred text of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints.
Also called the Koran, sacred text to followers of Muhammad.
Science and Health with a Key to the Scriptures.
Location: BX6941 .S4
Written by Mary Baker Eddy, this text contains the teachings of the Church of Christ, Scientist .
Location: BL1112 .54 .E5
Sacred text of the Hindu faith.
Location: BQ1138 .P34
Sacred text of Tibetan Buddhism (46 volumes).
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers.
Location: READY REF LB2369 .G53. Latest in reference, earlier editions in the stacks.
According to the MLA Handbook, internal documentation of sacred texts
should list version, chapter abbreviation, and verse. (For example: New
International Version, Rom. 12:2) Sacred texts are included under Works
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Location: READY REF BF76.7 .P82 1994
According to the APA manual, internal documentation of sacred texts
should list chapter, verse, and version. (For example: Romans 12:2, New
International Version) It is not necessary to include sacred texts in
the reference list at the end of the paper.
SBL Handbook of Style for ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and Early Christian Studies.
Location: REF PN147 .S26 1999
SBL (Society of Biblical Literature)
standards require that internal documentation of sacred texts list the
abbreviated name of the chapter, verse, and abreviated version. (For
example: Rom 12:2 NIV). Sacred texts are not included in the
Style guide specific to research in classical and religious studies.
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