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Essential Resources for international affairs, political science, history and statistics/data with EU, CE/EE and Eurasia focus: Where to start

Most productive library databases for EU, EE/CE and Eurasia including statistics and data

Contact your librarian

Call or write Global Resources librarian Mark Yoffe at 202 994-6303, for a research appointment or consultation.

Library research guides and GRC resources

Gelman library RESEARCH portal contains large number of research guides on wide variety of subjects. These curated resources are an excellent starting point for your research. Below are listed selected research guides that can be very helpful in your work.


Conducting research using Gelman library databases can be very productive and rewarding. For that reason, we have put together this guide, which contains a wide selection of databases dealing with a variety of subjects. To start, go to Gelman webpage and click the SUBJECT DATABASES button it will take you to the list of subject categories list under which specific databases can be found. Alternatively you can click on A to Z tab. It will take you to the alphabetic list where you can find a needed database by name.

Starting your research and planning it most efficiently can be at times tricky and the Global Resources Center (GRC) staff is ready to help and guide you through this process. Expert assistance from professional librarians on staff at the GRC on the 7th floor of Gelman Library is available. We can help you to narrow or focus your research question or topic, to identify most productive research resources or to locate hard to find information and to structure your search and keyword strategies. Call or write librarian Mark Yoffe at 202 994-6303, for a research appointment or consultation.

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