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Guide to PSC6371: POLITICS OF CHINA II:: Find books

This course guides aims to provide useful information on studying Chinese politics.

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Subject Headings on Politics, Economy, and Social Conditions of China

If you want to do a subject heading search on books about contemorary China, use the following subject headings. Replace the "--" with the blank space. The call number information is good for both searching and browsing purposes.

For Chinese politics and government between 1949 and 1976, use China --Politics and government -- 1949-1976. The call number is between DS777.75 to DS778.7.

For Chinese politics and government between 1976 and 2002, use China --Politics and government -- 1976-2002. The call number is between DS779.15 to DS779.29.

For Chinese politics and government after 2002, use China --Politics and government -- 2002-. The call number is between DS779.35 to DS779.49.

For Chinese economic conditions between 1949 to 1976, user China--Economic conditions--1949-1976. The call number is around HC427.9 area.

For Chinese economic conditions between 1976 to 2000, user China--Economic conditions--1976-2000. The call number is around HC427.92 area.

For Chinese economic conditions after 2000, user China--Economic conditions--2000-. The call number is around HC427.95 area. 

For Chinese economic conditions between 1976 to 2000, user China--Economic conditions--1976-2000. The call number is around HC427.92 area.

For Chinese social conditions after 1949=, user China--Social conditions--. The call number is from HN737 to HN755.

Subject Guide

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