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To find books that mention the company in the GW and Consortium library catalogue change the label of the box from Books, Articles, & Media to Books & Media, type the name of the company within quotation marks. In Worldcat, type the name of the company within quotation marks and have the box to the right be for keyword..
To find books written about the company, in the GW and Corsortium catalogue, click on search, then on advanced search, click on the Books & Media button above the search boxes , change the box to the left to subject, and type the name of the company within quotation marks. In Worldcat, type the name of the company within quotation marks and have the box to the right be for subject..
Search WorldCat to find books in libraries throughout the United States and in selected libraries worldwide. Books not available at Gelman can be requested via Consortium loan or Interlibrary loan. In WorldCat look for the "Request this item through ILL" note in individual records.