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South Asian Studies: Afghanistan

Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh


Afghanistan, situated at the crossroads of Central and South Asia, has a millennia-spanning history marked by the rise and fall of various empires, from the Achaemenids to the Ghaznavids. In recent centuries, it faced imperial interests, notably British and Soviet, and a prolonged conflict in the latter part of the 20th century. The emergence of the Taliban in the 1990s significantly altered the nation's course. The 21st century brought global attention to Afghanistan due to its role in the War on Terror and the withdrawal of international forces, as the Taliban regained control of significant parts of the country. Today, Afghanistan stands at a crucial juncture, striving to rebuild and define its future amid ongoing geopolitical complexities.

GW Databases


The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan

FRONTLINE goes inside an ancient, illegal practice that's once again flourishing: an organized sex trade in young Afghan boys.


The Boy Who Danced on Air Soundtrack


Open Databases

Afghanistan Legal Education Project (ALEP) Free resource. Has unofficial translations of primary sources, and some commentary. ALEP "was founded in 2007 as a student-driven initiative under Stanford Law School’s Rule of Law Program. Since then, ALEP has published six textbooks about Afghan law for Afghan audiences, and has an additional three forthcoming. ...".

Afghanistan Meshrano Jirga (House of Elders) General information, Electoral system, Last elections, Election archive...


Afghanistan Statistics

Global Edge: Afghanistan Statistics

Information on National Statistical Offices Located in Afghanistan (SESRIC)

UNFPA Afghanistan | Population Trends: It mapped every house, establishment and institution in every village, and was an invaluable guide both for the Socio-Demographic and Economic Survey.


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