“Know where to find the information and how to use it - That's the secret of success”
~Albert Einstein
Now that you've decided what kinds of materials you need -- be they books, peer-reviewed articles, government reports, newspaper articles, statistics, etc. -- librarians can walk you through selecting the best place to search.
Here are two often-used places to search - the catalog and a general database. Select subject specific databases are listed in a separate box below.
Let's say your general topic is "Cloud Computing Security" and you want to find peer-reviewed articles on this topic.
Consider this:
→ You will need to select a database that includes peer-reviewed articles (not every library database does).
→ The library has databases that focus on different disciplines. Select the discipline that best captures your approach; or better yet, search
a few databases to get a fuller perspective on your research question.
This is a short list to demonstrate the breadth of options. Browse all databases GW subscribes to.