A photographic archive of high quality images from the Associated Press news wire covering 1820s to the present. Includes news, entertainment, and fashion photography; maps; timelines; graphics and logos; graphs; AP news stories; and audio clips.
Now part of JSTOR. Searchable database of more than 750,000 images applicable to different times, cultures, and disciplines. Combination of images, data, and texts provides comprehensive art-related teaching, learning, and researching capabilities. Use the Register link to create a free personal account to download and save images. NOTE: Mobile version requires creating a login by registering on ARTstor using a regular workstation first.
A digital library of high-quality art, cultural, and historical images from museums, galleries, and private collections. Covers most aspects of art, archaeology and ethnography, history, science and medicine from prehistoric and ancient times to the present day.
A thematic and iconographic index of early Christian and medieval objects from early apostolic times to 1550 A.D. Includes primarily Christian iconography, although some Jewish, Islamic, and non-ecclesiastical subjects are covered. Entries include descriptive information, provenance, location and ownership, bibliographical references, and a photograph of the work of art when available. The Index is property of Princeton University, and users must credit the index in publications arising from research for which the Index was used. NOTE: In a search results screen, click on an entry number to see its full view.