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Government Information

Gelman Library has been a U.S. Federal Depository Library since 1984. As a selective depository, the Library receives only some of the documents published by the government, chosen to support the research and teaching mission of the University.

Finding GovDocs

Gelman Library has been a Federal Depository Library since 1984.  As a selective depository, the library receives only some of the documents published by the government, chosen to support the research and teaching mission of The George Washington University.  Our Regional Depository is McKeldin Library at the University of Maryland, College Park.  

Members of the general public may use the U.S. Depository materials by identifying their need at the Access Services Desk at the entrance, Gelman.


Symbol of the Federal Depository Library Program - an eagle and a book


Also, consult the Government Information Collection at the University of Michigan.  

GW Libraries • 2130 H Street NW • Washington DC