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Datastream: Home

What is Datastream?

Datastream is a financial database with over 35 million individual instruments or indicators across all major asset classes, including 8.5 million active economic indicators. It features 65 years of data, across 175 countries. Data spans bond indices, bonds, commodities, convertibles, credit default swaps, derivatives, economics, energy, equities, equity indices, ESG, estimates, exchange rates, fixed income, funds, fundamentals, interest rates, and investment trusts. Unique content includes I/B/E/S Estimates aggregates, Worldscope Fundamentals Point in Time data, and Reuters Polls.

The library subscribes to two versions of Datastream: Datastream Eikon (which is the more comprehensive) and Datastream on WRDS.

Datastream on WRDS

Datastream on WRDS (Wharton Research Data Services) includes a subset of the Datastream data. WRDS accounts are available, at no charge, to George Washington University faculty members, students, and staff. In addition, George Washington University faculty members may set up accounts for their classes at no charge. An account is necessary to access the databases on the WRDS platform. An account can be requested at Once one has a WRDS account, one can access  any databases on the WRDS platform to which the library or the School of Business subscribes. To get to Datastream on WRDS, log on to WRDS and click on the Thomson/Refinitiv link. Then scroll down to Datastream. There is a link to Datastream manuals in the filter column to the right. 

Datastream Eikon

Instructions for Accessing Datastream Eikon and the Eikon Datastream Add-In for Excel on the GW Library Virtual Computers

  1. Request the username and password from the research Librarians.

  2. Follow the instructions to access the Virtual Computer Lab.

  3. Log in using your GW User ID.

  4. Launch "GW Desktop"

  5. Launch Desktop

  6. Once connected and logged on, go to the Start Menu in the bottom left of your browser and type "Eikon." Then select Refinitiv Eikon - Microsoft EXCEL.  

  7. You should see there is a Refinitiv Eikon AddIn installed on the EXCEL toolbar. Click that, and select Sign In

  8. After a moment you'll be connected to the Datastream Eikon server. 

  9. Please remember to sign out!


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Shmuel Ben-Gad
Gelman Library,
George Washington University,
2130 H Street, NW,
Washington, DC 20052.
(202) 994-0674
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GW Libraries • 2130 H Street NW • Washington DC