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Research Data Management

Data management at George Washington University

Data Management Plans

Funding agencies such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) require Data Management Plans or Data Sharing Plans to be submitted with many grant applications. Although different agencies and agency units have their own particular requirements, some components are fairly standard.

Essential Components of Most Data Management Plans

  • Types of data to be collected
  • Standards to be applied to data and metadata. (See for resources.)
  • Legal, ethical, and security issues effecting the data
  • Policies for access and sharing (including intellectual property)
  • Plans for long-term archiving and preserving access or destruction of data;
  • Policies for re-use and re-distribution (how can people use the data you will share - if applicable)

What is DMPTool?

DMPTool 2018 logo

Through GWU's relationship with DMPTool, access guidance to help prepare data management plans (DMP) and customized information that includes:

  • Guiding questions to consider to fulfill requirements for each part of your plan
  • Templates for DMPs tailored to specific sponsors
  • Links to GW contacts, resources, and services for assistance with research planning

You can sign into GW DMPTool in 3 simple steps

  • Step 1: Click "Log In" or "Get Started"
  • Step 2: Select "Option 1" sign in with your institution and lookup George Washington University or GWU
  • Step 3: Log in with your GW UserID and Password

You will be directed to "My Dashboard" where you can begin creating or reviewing your DMPs.

Data Management Plan Guides

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