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Central Asia: Kazakhstan

The Central Asia Library Guide of the Global Resources Center (GRC) is devoted to the research needs of those actively engaged in Central Asian and Eurasian Studies.


Below is a list of media available online. The GRC also maintains the print newspaper Novaya Nedelya, from Kazakhstan in Russian, in Gelman 703. 


Selected Print Resources on Kazakhstan

Selected Printed Resources

Dairova, A. M. (Adeliia Manarbekovna)
Islamskii faktor v politicheskikh protsessakh Kazakhstana
(Moskva : Nauchnaia kniga, 2005)
JQ1090.A58 D33 2005
GW: GELMAN Global Resources Center, RM 708 Stacks

Domashnie khoziaistva Kazakhstana : statisticheskii sbornik
(Almaty : Agenstvo Respubliki Kazakhstan po statistike, 2000)
HC420.5 .D65 2000
GW: GELMAN Global Resources Center, RM 708 Statistics

Dzhanguzhin, R. N.
Kazakhstan postsovetskii
(Kiev : Natsional’naia akademiia nauk Ukrainy, Institut mirovoi ekonomiki i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii, 2002)
HC420.5 .D97 2002
GW: GELMAN Global Resources Center, RM 708 Stacks

Kazakhstan v 1991-2002 gody
(Almaty : Agentstvo Respubliki Kazakhstan po statistike, 2002)
HA4570.23 .K39 2002
GW: GELMAN Global Resources Center, RM 708 Ready Ref

Kurtov, A. A. (Azhdar Ashirovich)
Demokratiia vyborov v Kazakhstane--avtoritarnaia transformatsiia
(Moskva : Azhdar Kurtov, 2001)
JQ1090.A95 K87 2001
GW: GELMAN Global Resources Center, RM 708 Stacks

Mansurov, T. A.
Kazakhstansko-rossiiskie otnosheniia v ėpokhu peremen : 1991-2001
(Moskva : Real-Press, 2001)
DK908.75.R8 M35 2001
GW: GELMAN Global Resources Center, RM 708 Stacks

Natsional’nye interesy Kazakhstana i vyzovy globalizatsii
(Almaty : Izd-vo LEM, 2004)
HC420.5 .N38 2004
GW: GELMAN Global Resources Center, RM 708 Stacks

Raspredelenie dokhodov naseleniia v usloviiakh rynochnoi ėkonomiki
(Almaty : "Print-S", 2004)
HC420.5.Z9 M84 2004
GW: GELMAN Global Resources Center, RM 708 Stacks

Suleimenov, Nurlan
Kazakhstan 90-kh : pravitel’stvo Kazhegel’dina : privatizatsiia, korruptsiia i bor’ba za vlast’
(Almaty : ID "Credo", 2003)
DK908.867 .S85 2003
GW: GELMAN Global Resources Center, RM 708 Stacks

Sultanov, B. K.
Strategiia ėkonomicheskikh reform Respubliki Kazakhstan
(Almaty : Kazakhstanskii institut strategicheskikh issledovanii pri Prezidente Respubliki Kazakhstan, 2005)
HC420.5 .S847 2005
GW: GELMAN Global Resources Center, RM 708 Stacks

Vneshniaia torgovlia i sovmestnoe predprinimatel’stvo Respubliki Kazakhstan
(Almaty : Agentstvo Respubliki Kazakhstan po statistike)
HF3770.23.A3 V5
GW: GELMAN Global Resources Center, RM 708 Statistics

Vstuplenie Kazakhstana vo vsemirnuiu torgovuiu organizatsiiu: problemy i perspektivy : materialy "kruglogo stola" (Almaty, 7 iiulia 2005 g.
(Almaty : Klassika, 2005)
HF3770.23 .V77 2005
GW: GELMAN Global Resources Center, RM 708 Stacks

Kazakstan : transition of the state
(Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1997)
HC420.5 .K294 1997

Lutz Hoffmann ... [et al.]
Kazakstan 1993-2000 : independent advisors and the IMF
(Heidelberg ; New York : Physica-Verlag, c2001)
HC420.5 .K2915 2001

Nazpary, Joma
Post-soviet chaos: violence and dispossession in Kazakhstan
(London ; Sterling, Va. : Pluto Press, c2002)
HN670.23.A8 N38 2002

Sabol, Steven
Russian colonization and the genesis of Kazak national consciousness
(Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2003)
DK908.86 .S335 2003

United States Congress. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Democratization and human rights in Kazakstan : hearing before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, One Hundred Sixth Congress, first session, May 6, 1999
(Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : Congressional Sales Office, 1999)
Y 4.SE 2:106-1-6
United States. Central Intelligence Agency

(Washington, D.C.: Central Intelligence Agency, 1994)
G7220 1994 .U541
GW: GELMAN Global Resources Center, RM 708 Ready Ref

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Language help

Kazakh or Қазақ тілі, Қазақша

The official languages of the Republic of Kazakhstan are Kazakh and Russian.  Like Russian, Kazakh is written in in cyrillic. Kazakh is a Turkish language.. For information on langauge programs for the region, see language help.

Kazakh and Russian textbooks and dictionaires are available at Gelman library through the consortium. Language help is also available on Google translate

A  large number of sources are available in Russian through Gelman, the consortium, and Gelman online. For historical documents in Russian, you may also search the REECE databases at Gelman.  For historical documents in Russian, you may also search the REECE databases at Gelman.

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