Gale Reference Library consists of 307 volumes of reference titles as of 3/17. The titles are individually listed in the catalog but can be searched here as a group. Titles range across sciences, social sciences, business, and humanitites.
Complete full-text (including graphics, images and illustrations) of the most recent editions of medical reference textbooks in internal medicine, cardiology, genetics, pharmacology, diagnosis and management, basic sciences, and patient care.
Contains authoritative information in 15 subject areas: Animal Diversification, Applied Evolution, Coevolution, Evo-Devo, Evolutionary biogeography, History of evolutionary biology, Life history evolution, Microbial evolution, Molecular and Genome Evolution, Phylogenetic Methods, Plant/Fungus Diversification, Population Genetics, Quantitative genetics, Sex, recombination, and mating systems, Speciation and hybridization.
In addition to definitions, specialists in the field of genetics share their descriptions of terms, and many terms include images and animations. From the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI).
Online catalog of human genes and genetic disorders. Authored and edited at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Provides approved symbol, name, synonyms, previous names and IDs for over 30,000 genes. Includes links to homologs, sequences, and other databases. Curated by the HUGO Gene Nomeclature Committee
Public access version of the Medline database. Includes life and health sciences articles including clinical, basic sciences, and public health information. Incorporates Himmelfarb Library's customized search filters for EBM/Clinical Reviews, EBM/Clinical Trials, and Reviews. Includes links to related genetic, chemical and taxonomic information. Produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Online versions of Annual Review titles held in print by Himmelfarb and Gelman Libraries. Covers the biomedical, physical, and social sciences.
Reading a review article is a great way to gain a basic understanding of a topic - and the list of references at the end can help you get started on further research. Below are instructions on how to locate review articles in several databases.
Part of the Web of Science, this database indexes over 5,300 high quality journals and serials back to 1926, as well as providing indexing for selected relevant patents, conference proceedings and books.
Includes several citation indices covering sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. Search by a specific index, or across all indices. Citations to articles in more than 8,000 major research journals. Also permits cited reference searching (searching for articles that cite a particular author or work).
The Cochrane Library is a collection of evidence-based medicine databases, providing independent up-to-date, high-quality evidence to inform decision-making in health care. Includes systematic reviews, controlled trials, technology assessments, economic evaluations, and methods.