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This guide is intended to assist those doing research in the area of Geography.

Find information in encyclopedias and dictionaries

Encyclopedia of Geography Los Angeles, [Calif.] ;London : SAGE, c2010.

Online.  With 1,224 entries, this encyclopedia encapsulates an enormous diversity of topics in all subdisciplines of Geography.

Companion Encyclopedia Of Geography. London, Routledge, 2002.
Location: GELMAN Stacks G 116 .C645 2002 
Gives scholarly essays on a number of subjects within the geographical discipline; the overall theme of the resource is the interdependency between people and their environment.

Dictionary of Human Geography Oxford, Blackwell, 2000.
Location: GELMAN Ref GF 4 .D52 2000 2nd Floor
A guide to the concepts, terms, and theories of human geography.

Dictionary of Physical Geography. Oxford, Blackwell, 2000.
Location: GELMAN Ref GB 10 .D53 2000 2nd Floor
Provides definitions of terms and explanations of key ideas, concepts and issues in physical geography.

Encyclopedia of Human Geography Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications, c2006.
Online.  Offers a comprehensive overview of the major ideas, concepts, terms, and approaches that characterize a very diverse field.


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