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What to know about the GW Libraries' new authentication system, OpenAthens.

Students, Faculty, Researchers

  • You will get access to library resources in essentially the same way you always have. The most visible change is that you may occasionally be asked to sign in to GW even when on campus. 
  • You will also be able to use Institutional Access links on many (but not all) sites. Just remember, they may show you that link whether or not GW subscribes! 
  • OpenAthens will not add or remove our access to any content
  • Report access problems with our Found a Problem? link


  • We will have a method to automatically update links in Blackboard (not including links that are embedded in PDFs)
  • If you have class materials outside of Blackboard, you will have to update links in them yourself. And links inside PDFs will have to be updated manually even if the PDFs are shared through Blackboard. See Creating Links for our link Athenizer. 
  • You should test all updated links, just to be safe! If you updated links ahead of time, be sure to test them again now that we've gone live.

Library Staff

  • Content Management staff will update links in Alma and the database A-Z list
  • Proxied links in research guides may need to be updated by the guide owner, if they aren't links reused from the database A-Z list
  • Proxied links that haven't been Athenized yet will still work during a transitional period
  • In the immediate future, IP based authentication will still work for many (but not all) providers. This means that users on campus or on the VPN will still get access to those sites even without an OpenAthens link. In the more distant future, GW plans to move away from IP based authentication.
  • Different patron categories (student, faculty, visiting scholar, etc.) will still have the same access rights as they have now 
  • Problems should still be reported to the same places: access problems to eresources, UserID problems to IT, etc. 
GW Libraries • 2130 H Street NW • Washington DC