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U.S.-China Relations: Background, Issues, and Outlook: Finding Books

This is a course guide for Prof. Robert Sutter's IAFF 3186-13 CRN 56060

Browse by Subjects

The CDC collection numbers more than 5000 items and is growing almost daily. To see holdings on select topics, click on any of the subject headings below. This will execute a search in the Gelman Library Catalog, which includes holdings of the CDC.

Browse by Subject -- China Documentation Center -- Gelman Library

For example,

Browse books about International Relations

Browse books about US

Subject Headings and Call Numbers

If you want to do a subject heading search on books about Chinese foreign policy, use the following subject headings. Replace the "--" with the blank space.

For overview or general information about China's foreign relations, use China --Foreign relations. The call number is around DS777.8 area.  For Chinese foreign relations with a specific country, use China --Foreign relations -- the name of the country. Here are a few examples. For example,

China --Foreign relations --Soviet Union; Call number range range: DS740.5.S65

China --Foreign relations --Russia; Call number: DS740.5.R8

However, China-US relations is classified as American History rather than Chinese history. So the Subject heading is:

China --Foreign relations --United States;

Call number range is:



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