Black Panthers
Stokely Carmichael
Huey P. Newton
Eldridge Cleaver
Malcolm X
Amilcar Cabral
Maulana Karenga
Black Consciousness
Steve Biko
Ali Shariati
Bobby Sands
Occupy Wall Street
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Frantz Fanon was a significant influence on the black power movement in the United States and one of the most often cited intellectual inspirations of black militant groups.
The books and journal articles that discuss Fanon's influence on the Black Power movement below provide more information on the topic. The full text of some articles is only available to Gelman patrons and may require login.
The Black Consciousness Movement was an activist movement that emerged from the political vacuum that was created after the apartheid government in South Africa banned and jailed the leadership of the African National Congress (ANC) and the Pan African Congress (PAC) in the 1960s. Frantz Fanon's work greatly influenced Steve Biko, the leader of the Black Consciousness Movement.
The articles below provide more information on the topic. The full text of some articles is only available to Gelman patrons and may require login.