Please contact Dr. Khamo at or GRC front desk at for assistance with the following CDC collections.
Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People’s Republic of China (CSCPRC)
This archive contains records of the CSCPRC. Established in 1984, the mission of the CSCPRC was to promote mutual understanding between the people of the United States and China by providing China-based liaison and coordination for cross-cultural academic programs. These records help to shed light on the developing US-China relationship at a critical juncture, and the influence each had on the other. [download index]
Chinese Humanities: Arts/Literature
Rare Chinese first-edition woodblock printed books from the 17th-19th centuries. These are museum-quality examples of fine traditional Chinese printing, but are also invaluable research resources for students of Chinese linguistics, literature and history. Approximately 30-50 volumes.
Chinese Military Newspapers
These newspapers are a collection of rare, highly sensitive Chinese regional military newspapers originally collected by US Defense Intelligence Unit. GRC holdings: 1997-2016 (incomplete). In China these are restricted publications to which only high-level Communist Party and Military Academy officials have access.
YC Wang collection on Chinese intellectual history
The collection consists of approximately 200 rare Chinese-language monographs focusing on Chinese intellectual history published throughout the early 20th century (a handful are pre-1911, most are 1911-1949). Five or fewer copies of each title are held by other libraries, according to OCLC. Most titles are in brittle condition, some have water stains or other damage.