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Resources for those doing research in the area of anthropology

Search terms for books

To locate books, try GW Libraries Search - Advanced Search, placing the term anthropology in the top search box.  Add other search terms in the additional search boxes that relate to your topic. Examples might include:

  • archaeology
  • applied anthropolgy
  • ethnography
  • evolution
  • forensics
  • linguistics
  • physical anthropology
  • primates

You may wish to use even narrower terms, such as a particular culture, language, archaeological site, or species.

Call Numbers

Anthropology call number ranges:

CC1-960    Archaeology
GN1-890    Anthropology
GR1-941    Folklore

Books under these ranges are located on the 4th floor of Gelman (see Gelman Stacks Map to left).

Access WorldCat

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