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Dissertation Research—Planning, Researching, Publishing

This guide was created to help GWU doctoral students in researching and writing their dissertation

Electronic Thesis & Dissertation (ETD)

Is there a GW ETD website? 

Yes, the ETD homepage is located at:

GW Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Initiative- part of a national movement to make access to dissertations available for free. 

What is an ETD?

An ETD is a thesis/dissertation created as an electronic document. GW began requiring that ALL doctoral dissertations be submitted electronically to Proquest/UMI since 2008.

What is the ETD submission process at GWU?

Submission guidelines and online support tools:  ETD Submission Process at GW

Contacts for Support


If ProQuest cannot address your question, you can contact the:

Library ETD Administrator     
Schedule an appointment:

If you have questions about your particular graduate school's special requirements, please contact...

Your school's ETD Administrator

A list of each of the GW Graduate Schools' ETD Administrators can be found here.

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